Home Management Filing System

#Home | a blog about home management from planning to organizing, cooking, beauty, DIY projects and everything in between.
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GTD in my Bullet Journal Revisited PHOTO HEAVY
#Photo | Hi all, I know it’s been a long while! I’m coming back to my blog starting with this post about my current system. My system is inspired by David Allen’s Getting Things Done and @…
How to Create a French Bathroom
#Bathroom | French decor is one of the most romantic decors especially when it comes to the bathroom space. Are you ready for your bathroom to ooze style, romance,
Svenska kreativa kvinnor i New York ndash Babba Rivera
#NewYork | På min lista över sådant som jag ville göra under tiden i #30dagariNYC stod bland annat punkten att träffa och intervjua svenska kreativa kvinnor som flyttat till NYC. Få möjlighet...
Tips to be successful when you read the Bible in a year FREE Print
#Successful | The New Year is coming up, and I know most of you are planning out your New Years Resolutions. Maybe some of
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