Thousands of Stunned Sea Turtles Being Rescued From the Texas Freeze #Sea
#Sea | The abnormally cold temperatures in Texas aren’t just affecting people. They’re also causing sea turtles to freeze up in the ocean, leaving volunteers scrambling around-the-clock to save thousands of the creatures washing up on the Gulf Coast. to Continue Reading...... 8 pieces of wisdom hellip #Hellip | read more... Social media erupts over fast #SocialMedia | A pair of Shein cutout jeans are making the rounds on social media as shoppers wonder what the retailer was thinking when making them. read more... McDonald rsquo s fan gets hash browns in a cheeseburger with secret McBrunch burger #HashBrowns | A MCDONALD’S fan has revealed how to get hash browns in your cheeseburgers off the secret menu. TikTok user @theglassniper uploaded a video of him ordering the elusive McBrunch burger at a Drive-T… read more... Chunky Strawberry Bowl #Bowl | If you love the smoothie bowls at...