Balsamic Cherry Granita
#Cherry | The perfect not-too-sweet summertime treat. to Continue Reading...... ITALIAN LEMON GRANITA Semi #Lemon | Granita is a semi-frozen dessert made from sugar, water and various flavorings. Originally from Sicily, it is available throughout Italy in varying forms. read more... Fresh Cranberry Orange Relish #CranberryOrange | Try This tasty Recipe from Ocean Spray - Fresh Cranberry Orange Relish read more... Apple Scrap Jelly #Scrap | Have you ever peeled apples for a recipe or your child’s snack and felt guilty about wasting the scraps? No? Then you’re normal! I, on the other hand, was born with quite the guilt complex. When I was little, I used to feel bad for the toys I wasn’t playing with and would quickly run...Read More » read more... Easy Rhubarb Jam #RhubarbJam | This easy rhubarb jam is simple to make at home. All you need is rhubarb, sugar, lemon, water and one hour for old-fashioned rhubarb preserves perfection. read more...